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Giant and rare jellyfish were spotted at a depth of one kilometer;  a look

Giant and rare jellyfish were spotted at a depth of one kilometer; a look

Scientists have recorded the rare appearance of a “ghost jellyfish” in the depths of Monterey, California. The animal – which appears to be wearing a hat – was seen at a depth of about a kilometer by a high-tech, remote-controlled vehicle, according to the New York Post.

The Stygiomedusa gigantea jellyfish is 10 meters long and has a dark appearance and a purple colour.

Among their characteristics, it is the “mouths with arms” that attract the most interest of scientists. Hanging “ribbons” from its body, the animal entangles its small prey and carries it to the oral cavity, unlike other animals of its class.

Rare Jellyfish - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

A rare “ghost jellyfish” has been spotted via a remote-controlled vehicle

Photo: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

This species is still quite a mystery to experts: in addition to being rare, it is found only in the deep parts of the sea. The recording was captured a year ago by the Monterey Aquarium and Research Institute, and has been recently reviewed by other researchers.

The giant ghost jellyfish was first collected in 1899. Since then, scientists have only encountered this animal about 100 times.

“This species appears to be widespread throughout the world and has been recorded in all ocean basins except the Arctic. The challenges of reaching its depths contribute to the relative rarity of sightings of such large and widely distributed species,” the institute explained.

The encounter with jellyfish was only possible using a remotely operated vehicle (VOR). The submarine is a major advance for scientists, as it allows creatures to be analyzed at great depths, without the need for trawls.

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