The Paranaense Institute for Educational Development (Fundepar) has open registrations for Public tender Who will choose the architectural design for the planetarium at the Newton Freire Maya Science Park, in Pinhais, in the Curitiba metropolitan area. The goal is to involve the community of architecture and engineering professionals in creating the most modern planetarium in Latin America and one of the largest in Brazil.
Prizes will be awarded to the best three projects. The first place will receive R$60,000 and will be assigned to prepare legal and implementation projects and the architectural and engineering reference budget, with support of R$338,000. Second place will receive R$25,000 and third place will receive R$15,000.
Graduated architects and engineers, legally qualified and registered with the Council for Architecture and Urban Planning (CAU) or the Council for Regional Architecture and Agricultural Engineering (CREA) can participate in the competition. Participants can register projects individually, as individuals, as a group, or through a legal entity.
Registration is open until 6pm on May 28 and must be done via the system thus. the culture. To access it you need to register as Cultural agent.
Projects – According to the competition announcement, projects must present concepts for “a unique and innovative architectural vision for the planetarium, ensuring that it becomes an educational, cultural, tourism and scientific landmark in the region.” The planetarium will be built to display the sky in high resolution, enhancing an immersive, high-tech experience.
The projects should also include revitalization and beautification of the Kangiri River Trail, which is located within the Science Park. It is expected that after the works, the park will have the capacity to receive more than 140,000 people annually. The total planned investment for the renovation is R$40 million.
Standards – The jury will be multidisciplinary, consisting of professionals from different fields. Representatives of public authorities, academia and the state's class of architects and engineers will be on the committee.
Projects will be evaluated based on nine criteria: context; planting; needs programme; Group organization construction technology environmental efficiency; Comfort and performance. flexibility; and accessibility. Each panelist will give a score from 0 to 10 to projects in each of the criteria. Those who score less than 7 on any of the assessment points will be excluded.
Hey Brief notice And the Full notice Can be accessed at Competition website.
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