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Free Google Meet is back to the one-hour meeting time limit

Free Google Meet is back to the one-hour meeting time limit

conferences Google is dead Free Gmail accounts now have a 60-minute limit if they have more than three participants. According to the company, users will be sent a notification when the meeting reaches 55 minutes. The change marks the end of the tool offering to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

In May 2020, . was released service issued Create video calls lasting up to 24 hours with three or more consumers – a maximum of 100. The deadline for returning to “normal” was until September 2020, but the company decided to extend it until June of this year.

Subscriber limit for different Meet versionsSubscriber limit for different Meet versionsSource: Disclosure / Google

If you need more time in meetings, The Google Recommends different monthly workspace plans, starting at R$24.30; The host only needs to upgrade the account.

Most importantly, the “basic” version of Workspace is free and offers tools like Business Email, Docs, Keep and Currents, among others. Check out every different subscription The company’s website.

And now?

a Duo It’s a corporate alternative and allows conferences with up to 32 people without a 60-minute limit. In addition to being completely free, it works on Chrome, Android e iOS.

It is also worth noting that there is nothing preventing the user from starting another free call on Google Meet. In this case, you will need to send the new conference link to all invitees.

Last Gate Rumors 9to5Google Report two video calling apps joining. Speculation gained more momentum after Add Duo filters on Meet, with the aim of providing competition for Zoom. However, Google has not made this decision officially.

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