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Free conference discussing the strategic role of INCTs — National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Free conference discussing the strategic role of INCTs — National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Today, Monday (26), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development held the free conference “INCT Programme”, within the framework of the Fifth National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (CNCTI).

The event was opened by CNPq President, Ricardo Galvão. Photo: Marcelo Gundem – ACS/CNPq

Held in Brasilia (DF), with a live broadcast on CNPq channel on YouTubeThe meeting discussed the strategic role of institutes in Brazil's national science and technology system, with the aim of contributing to the theme of the first axis of CNCTI: “Recovery, expansion and strengthening of the national science, technology and innovation system”.

The event's host, CNPq President Ricardo Galvão, praised the initiative to resume the Fifth National Congress and the choice of topic for free discussion. “This meeting takes place at a time when INCTs in Brazil will be evaluated. But we must have a vision for the future and how to improve the program. There are currently 204 Information and Communication Institutes across the country, covering all fields of knowledge – humanities, biological, exact and agricultural sciences – and thousands of researchers and holders Scholarships.

Deputy Secretary General of the 5th CNCTI, Anderson Gomes, was present at the opening of the table and highlighted the importance of a democratic space to discuss wants and needs in the field of science, technology and innovation with the community. “We have a lot of activities. This is a building moment. We currently have more than 100 ongoing activities to address different topics. We will hold, for the first time, government conferences in all Brazilian states.”

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The representative of the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos, and the Minister of Technological Development and Innovation of MCTI, Guilherme Calheiros, praised the initiative within the scope of programming. “Today, we realize the importance of international information and communication teams and work to keep them operational in the country. This is the Ministry's commitment to science and technology in Brazil. The conference is very important to listen to society and has not been held for 14 years,” he said.

Head of the Coordination of Personnel Improvement in Higher Education, Denis Pires, and President of the National Council of Research Support Institutions (Confap), Odair Delagostin, were also part of the committee.


The INCT program features large, long-term research projects in national and/or international scientific collaboration networks, involving researchers and fellowship holders from the most diverse fields to develop high-impact research. Scientific projects and human resources training.

There are currently 204 information and communication institutes across the country, covering all areas of knowledge – humanities, biological, exact and agricultural sciences – and thousands of researchers and scholarship holders on complex topics. Of these institutes, 100 new institutes were implemented last year.

At this event, representatives from ten institutes affiliated with the program presented the main findings of their research, the importance of working within a network and future perspectives. Research on gender, human aging, vaccines, surface engineering, refrigeration and the milk production chain were among the topics presented by the INCTs.

Professor Mariangela Virginia da Cunha, INCT MicroAgro Coordinator, presented the research results.
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The roundtables, which covered the topics “Developing Research in Brazil”, “Meeting the Challenges of Brazil Today” and “Collaborating with Business”, also provided an opportunity for reflection and suggestions on the future of the programme, including ideas. For a new call it must be triggered by CNPq.

See photos of the event: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JgyayZrSygm8w7Lv6

Fifth place CNCTI

The 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference is the most important and democratic event aimed at discussing public policies in the sector. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) will hold the meeting this year, from June 4 to 6, in Brasilia (DF), under the slogan “Science, Technology and Innovation for a Just, Sustainable and Advanced World”. Brazil “.

The event is organized by the Center for Administrative and Strategic Studies (CGEE), a social organization supervised by MCTI, in coordination with more than 40 institutions and eight ministries.

The NCTI is advisory in nature and is being reorganized after a 14-year hiatus. Its aim is to discuss the needs of society in the field of science and technology and to propose recommendations for the development of a new national strategy for science, technology and innovation (ENCTI) that should be followed over the next few years (2024-2030). . The new strategy will replace the 2016-2023 strategy, whose programmes, plans and results will also be analyzed during the event.