(Archive) On November 26, 2021, French fishermen protest on the English Channel in the wake of the controversy over post-Brexit fishing rights – AFP / Arquivos
This Thursday (9), French President Emmanuel Macron called on the British government to “act in good faith” with Paris on the management of immigrants seeking to reach British territory and the access of French fishing boats to the Great Sea. Britain.
“Government [britânico] “The current government is not doing what it says it does and I really want to see a government that is ready to work with us in good faith,” Macron said while presenting his agenda for the interim presidency of the European Union (EU).
Therefore, the French president wants London to establish a “legal framework for the right to asylum”, particularly “the British economic model is based on the illegal work of foreigners”.
The French president’s statements come shortly after the UK rejected a final warning issued by the European Commission on December 10 to resolve a fisheries license dispute with France after Brexit.
A spokesman for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “We have not set a deadline. “They have established one, but not the same one we are working on,” he added.
UK Environment Minister Jorge Eustace is expected to meet again on Friday with European Fisheries Commissioner Lithuanian Virginius Sincavius. A Downing Street spokesman said: “A technical process is underway.
France, on the other hand, warned this Thursday, through Maritime Minister Annie Girard, that it would seek an arbitration at the European level and that it would even launch a “lawsuit” if London did not verify all required fishing licenses. By Paris until Friday night.
French fishermen have already received 1,004 permits, but “they are still waiting for 104,” the French Maritime Ministry said.
As a result of the agreement reached between the EU and its former member by the end of 2020, European fishermen will be able to continue to operate in British waters if they can prove that they have already done so.
But London and Paris have not yet reached an agreement on the type and purpose of such sources.
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