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France rejects Australia as ‘strategic partner’ after AUKUS deal with UK and US


France rejects Australia as ‘strategic partner’ after AUKUS deal with UK and US

France rejects Australia as ‘strategic partner’ after AUKUS deal with UK and US

In 2021, Canberra severely damaged its relationship with Paris after abandoning its billion-dollar submarine partnership … 2022.02.22, Sputnik Brazil

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Following Canberra’s conclusion of the AUKUS military alliance agreement with the UK and US last year, France removed Australia from its list of closest “strategic partners”. The Pacific, a European country, has said it will now co-operate with Australia “on a case-by-case basis.” However, Paris will continue its close integration with Washington, one of its allies – with the exception of London – on AUKUS to strengthen coordination in the region. Last year, Canberra terminated its contract with France, which runs on 12 diesel. Submarines worth more than $ 65 billion. Under the new agreement, the Royal Australian Navy will acquire nuclear reactor technology from the United States and the United Kingdom and build submarines at their shipyards. Jean-Pierre Thebaul, the French ambassador to Australia, described it as “a stab in the back”. . The administration of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accused France of falsely assuring France that the sub-agreement is still in force, even after it became clear that the security pact would lead the country to rescind the order.




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France, Australia, Auxas, UK, US, Submarine Alliance, Indo-Pacific

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In 2021, after withdrawing from the billion-dollar submarine partnership with AUKUS to join London and Washington, Canberra severely strained its relationship with Paris.

France has removed Australia from its list Close “strategic partners” After Canberra finalized the AUKUS military alliance agreement with the UK and US last year.

In an updated version of its official Indo – Pacific Strategy 67 page document, the European Union stated that it was now cooperating with Australia. “Case by case“.

“Australia’s decision in September 2021, without prior consultation or announcement, to sever the trust alliance with France, which includes the Future Submarine Program (FSP), led to a reassessment of past strategic partnership between the two countries,” it said. Updated text.

However, to strengthen integration in the region, Paris will continue its close integration with Washington, which is one of the partners in AUKUS – with the exception of London.
In September last year, Canberra terminated its contract with France to build 12 diesel-powered submarines worth more than $ 65 billion.

Under the new agreement, the Royal Australian Navy The US and UK will receive technology from nuclear reactors To build submarines at their shipyards.

As a result, a major diplomatic dispute erupted when Paris considered the deal, which was negotiated in complete secrecy by AUKUS allies, “punched in the back”, characterized by French Ambassador to Australia Jean-Pierre DePaul.
Royal Australian Air Force C-17 Cargo Flight - Sputnik Brazil, 1920, 10.22.2021

Russian ambassador says the creation of AUKUS will inevitably lead to a response from other countries in the region

The government of Emmnauel Macron has accused the administration of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison of falsely assuring France that the sub-agreement is still in effect. Even after knowing clearly The security agreement will lead the country to rescind the order.