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Founded in the 1950s and the controversy with Bolsonaro: the history of Ypê

Founded in the 1950s and the controversy with Bolsonaro: the history of Ypê

Ypê was founded by Valdir Pera in 1950 Photo: Reproduction/Ypê

Strong wallet. Among household and personal hygiene products, Ypê has in its portfolio detergents, disinfectants, bleaches, bleaches, fabric and clothing softeners, wet wipes, sponges, soaps and other items.

Among the most chosen in Brazil. Along with Coca-Cola and Perdigão, Ypê appeared among the brands most chosen by Brazilians, according to the 11th edition of the Brand Footprint ranking, prepared by Kantar. The company reaches 95% of the country’s homes – or more than 55 million Brazilian households.

Factories spread throughout Brazil. Also according to the company’s website, Ypê has factories in Salto (SP), Simoes Filho (BA), Anapolis and Goiania (GO), Itaguba (MG) and Itapisuma (PE), as well as a distribution center in Extrema (MG).

Yippee factory
Yippee factory Photo: Reproduction/Ypê

Controversy with Bolsonaro and accusation of racism

In October 2022, campaign donations made by the controlling family of the Ypê brand to then-President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who was at the time a re-election candidate, sparked criticism – as well as expressions of support – for the brand on social media. . According to data published on the Transparency Portal of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, three members of the Pira family who are part of the Ypê Partners Council donated sums totaling R$ 1 million to Bolsonaro.

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