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Forgetting the money is frustrating, but a FGTS review can do good value

Forgetting the money is frustrating, but a FGTS review can do good value

The central bank’s receivables system has left many people frustrated that they have found nothing or very little of a “forgotten” balance in financial institutions. A good way out for some of these people is to apply for a FGTS review (Service Time Guarantee Fund).

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On average, each worker is entitled to R$10,000. A review request is a way to recover values ​​that have been lost over the past few years due to high inflation.

Since 1999, the government has corrected the FGTS balance using the reference rate, which is close to zero. Meanwhile, the economic inflation It crossed the double digit in 2021, which means that money at the bottom is “losing in value.”

The method that was found was to file a lawsuit to replace the TR with another index capable of replacing the losses with higher prices in the country. Now, everything depends on a decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) so that millions of workers benefit and can restore the lost values.

How to request an FGTS review

Anyone interested in submitting an application that includes up to 60 minimum wages (72.6 thousand BRL) must seek a special federal court and open the process for free. It is not necessary to hire a lawyer.

Before that, it is important for the citizen to enter the gate LOIT And make the calculations to see if a review would be helpful in your case. Simply access the FGTS app and download the benefits data to see how much he can earn through the procedure.

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Amounts due

a central bank system It has been on the air since February 14, with millions of hits by registered individuals and companies. Most of them did not find any “forgotten” money in financial institutions, which frustrated many people.

For those with receivables, the transfer request has been available since last Monday, 7. Visit the website valorareceber.bcb.gov.br for more information.