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For the second day in a row, SUS ICU bed occupancy is below 100% - Health

For the second day in a row, SUS ICU bed occupancy is below 100% – Health

Despite the slight decrease in the number of hospitalizations, the state of hospitals in Santa Maria remains alarming. By early Sunday afternoon, 150 of the 163 intensive care unit (ICU) beds in the city were filled. Among the patients hospitalized, 109 are confirmed or suspected of having Covid-19. Data from State Health Commission (SES), Who is watching the situation around Rio Grande do Sul.

Santa Maria reaches 495 deaths linked to Covid-19

Source: State Health Secretariat (SES).
For the second day in a row, occupancy of the SUS bed is less than 100%.

In the public grid, where the indicator has fluctuated close to 100% in the last 15 days, the rate was below the maximum capacity for the second day in a row. As of 16:06, the SUS bed occupancy rate was 98.6%, with 71 of the 72 beds in use. The most serious case is the regional hospital, which is 100%. There is only one vacancy in the ICU in the city, at Santa Maria University Hospital (Husm).

Coronavirus has caused a number of deaths in Santa Maria

Source: State Health Secretariat (SES).
The occupation of the intensive care beds in the private network remains stable

In the private network, the occupancy rate has remained stable, at 86.8%, with 79 of the 91 beds occupied.

Occupation of intensive care beds (up to 16 hours 06 minutes)

Santa Maria University Hospital (Hussam)

  • 34 beds, 33 occupied (97.1%)
  • Of these, 20 are Covid-19 beds

Santa Maria Regional Hospital

  • 38 beds, 38 occupied beds (100%)
  • All beds are exclusive to Covid-19

Dr Astrogeldo de Azevedo Charitable Hospital

  • 81 beds, 74 occupied (91.4%)
  • 51 of this family is Covid-19

Sao Francisco de Asis Hospital

  • 10 households, 5 occupied (50%)
  • All beds are exclusive to Covid-19

Clinical beds
Clinical bed occupancy in the city reached 71.7% at 16:06. Of the 184 available, 133 people were occupied. The number is the lowest recorded in the past four days.

Source: State Health Secretariat (SES).
The infographic shows the evolution of hospitalizations in the Covid-19 clinical family

COVID-19 bedding occupation (up to 16 hours 06 minutes)

Santa Maria University Hospital (Hussam)

  • 15 beds 10 occupied (66.7%)

Air Base Hospital

Sao Francisco de Asis Hospital

Military Brigade Hospital

Dr Astrogeldo de Azevedo Charitable Hospital

  • 80 beds, 66 occupied (82.5%)

Casa de Said Hospital

  • 14 beds, 8 occupied (57.1%)

Unimed General Hospital

  • 24 beds, 16 occupied (66.7%)

Santa Maria Regional Hospital

  • 40 beds, 34 occupied (85%)

Where are the numbers?
The Daily Bed Occupancy Report is reported daily based on the state government website, which is updated by each hospital. However, the numbers change countless times during the same day. Since the regulation is in effect throughout the state, that is, patients are transported from one municipality to another, sometimes the bed is empty but is filled within hours or even minutes. Hospitals report that with the high prices the beds fill up quickly, but the update on the website is not at the same pace. This is why it is so common for the map to indicate an occupancy of 90% or 95% and there are patients waiting. This is justified because there are more patients on the waiting list than empty beds.