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“Flamingo yes, then…”;  Pilhado presents an exclusive about the new mode of Andreas Pereira and excites the nation

“Flamingo yes, then…”; Pilhado presents an exclusive about the new mode of Andreas Pereira and excites the nation


The midfielder ends his loan contract today (30) with the most beloved in Brazil

- Thiago brown
© Photo: Radio Jovom Ban– Thiago brown

Andreas Pereira Lived all kinds of feelings in flamingo. “Arrived, coming.” He was encouraged, scored important goals, but it all went down the drain after failing in the Copa Libertadores da America final. This left the midfielder’s image very “scratched”, even more so because it was a decision against Palmeiras.

Yesterday (29), he scored a superb goal against Tolima and left Robro Negro very close to the rankings. His recent matches made many fans request his stay. Under his contract, this was his last game on his first loan with Manchester United. However, the mode is not 100% activated. Journalist Thiago Asmar conducted an investigation that outraged the nation.

(…) Flamengo Yes, after this goal, after the last three performances of Andreas, he is interested in trying to impress Manchester United mainly. This morning I sent a message to the person who gave me all the information about Andreas’ situation, if that was possible, if there was any way Andreas could stay with the Flamengo (…)“, Belhadu said before he finished.

(…) The answer was like this: “Thiago, to be honest, I don’t think so. Flamengo has no morals with Manchester United, he’s on his way to Fulham. The coach seems to be drooling behind Andreas. Then I ask, but are Flamengo still trying?” Then he said: ‘I don’t know if he tried yesterday, but it looks like he’s still trying, (but) I don’t think it will work (…)“, accomplishment.

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Mauro Cesar had also said something similar on his Twitter channel about the midfielder’s permanence or not: “Very difficult, not impossible,” he wrote regarding the current scenario.