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Flamengo offers more than R million in salary to Matheus Uribe – Flamengo – Flamengo news and games

Flamengo offers more than R$1 million in salary to Matheus Uribe – Flamengo – Flamengo news and games

Uribe is in the final stretch of the contract and will have a “last conversation” with Porto (POR) about a renewal

Although Flamengo no longer intends to announce signings in this transfer window, which ends on April 3, managers are still trying to agree Matheus Uribe, from Porto (POR). For this purpose, the red and black board offers more than R$1 million per month to the athlete.

Flamengo initially intended to offer a three-year contract, however, they are willing to increase the contract to four years. Moreover, forTampering with the heart– and the bank account – to the athlete, Fla suggested paying R$ 1.2 million a month behind the wheel. The information is initially revealed through the target portal.

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However, Matheus Uribe still intends to sit down at the table with the Porto board of directors, in order to hear a new renewal offer before responding to Flamengo’s proposal. The player, who just turned 32, has a contract with the Portuguese team until June – just three months – and he can already sign a pre-contract with any team.

Internally, behind the scenes, Flamengo treats the possibility of signing the player with optimism. However, there is a fear that Porto will increase the salary offer for the athlete, whose wife Cindy Alvarez García is the main enthusiast of continuing on Portuguese soil or at least in Europe.