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Flamengo go down after the defeat in protest against three fans |  Flamingo

Flamengo go down after the defeat in protest against three fans | Flamingo

Maringa’s defeat after defeat was one of the timid protests of the ship’s descent FlamingoThis Thursday morning, in Rio de Janeiro. Three of the reds and blacks avoided the departure of the players, but they were able to show their dissatisfaction with the score 2-0 in the first leg of the third stage of the Brazilian Cup.

Marenga 2 x 0 Flamengo – highlights – the third stage of the 2023 Brazil Cup

Of the cast, the group leveled the most heated complaints against Gabigol, David Luiz, Gerson and Thiago Maia. Football vice president Marcos Praz and director Bruno Spindel were also targets of insults. The safety scheme has been enhanced and rounding off is not allowed. The protest was peaceful.

The Red and Black delegation return to Rio after a disappointing debut in the Brazil Cup – Photo: Taiwan Liras

The defeat to Marenga was the third that followed Flamingo This season the club’s life was held in the Brazilian Cup. a Flamingo He will need to win 3 goals apart in the next 26, at the Maracanã, to take the classification in regular time.

Gabigol marking the return of Flamengo – Photo: Taiwan Liras

While trying to hire Jorge Jesus, Fla needs to rebuild the team in the short term. The group reappears next Friday afternoon to practice for the first time in Brazil. The first round will take place on Sunday, at 4 pm (Brasilia time), against Curitiba, in the Maracanã.

Fans protested upon Florida’s arrival – Photo: Taiwan Liras

Watch: All About Flamingo On ge, on Globo, and on sportv

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