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Five women beat a young woman inside a bar because of a false nail – News

Five women beat a young woman inside a bar because of a false nail – News

Saoirse Daly, 19, struck another young woman inside a pub in the town of Warrington, Cheshire, in United kingdomafter losing a false nail during an argument that ended in aggression.

Prosecutor Angela Blackmore said: “Around midnight, Abby went to the bathroom and was about to enter the stall when she realized there was another person there.”

The mistake, which could only be resolved with an apology, was enough to cause the quarrel.

A woman who was with Sawiris asked what Abby was looking at, so they both went upstairs. The victim was thrown to the ground and attacked with kicks, punches and hair pulling, according to what he reported daily Mail.

By the time Abby got out of the shower, a group was waiting to take the fight. Five women ran up to her, threw her to the ground, and attacked her again.

The beating only ends when Abby’s friend Louis arrives to fend everyone off. “I identified myself as a police officer and they started backing away. Two went one way and three went the other.”

Abby left bumps on the back of her head, which hit her on the floor, slashed her knees, and scratches on her face. His iPhone was also damaged.

When asked about the attack, Sawiris, who was accused of assault in September 2021, said she had gone through “difficulties” after losing her fake nail in a bar bathroom.

At Warrington Magistrates Court, the attacker pleaded guilty to the charge of battery and was told she could be imprisoned.

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“We are not ruling out community service or custody at this point. All options will be considered,” says the attorney general.

The other woman who helped attack the bathroom is still awaiting trial.

* Trained in R7Under the direction of Pablo Marquez