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Fingers can reveal signs of mental illness

Fingers can reveal signs of mental illness

Finger size to hand insomething we rarely associate with mental health, has become the focus of a pioneering study conducted by researchers at Swansea University in the United Kingdom.

The research, published in the journal Nature Communications, analyzed more than 1,500 adults and revealed surprising findings about the relationship between finger size and mental disorders.

What does finger size show?

The findings highlight that people with shorter index fingers relative to their middle finger are more likely to develop anxiety disorders, depression, and psychosis.

The study used the Digital Sexual Dimorphism Index (2D:4D) technology, which is a measure of the hormonal development of the fetus.

This technique showed that men, in general, had shorter index fingers, indicating greater exposure to high levels of testosterone in the womb.

Study reveals interesting links between finger length and risk of mental disorders – Image: Swansea University/Reproduction

Researchers believe that high testosterone levels during fetal development play a crucial role in affecting brain development and increasing the risk of cancer Disturbances My mind.

Professor John Manning, lead author of the study, highlights that 2D:4D could be an early indicator of risk for mental disorders, providing a potential tool for early identification.

Other associations have been discovered

Furthermore, the study revealed that people with shorter ring fingers relative to their middle finger were more likely to develop personality disorders.

The researchers suggest that such associations could be explained by genetic or environmental factors, such as exposure to risky situations in childhood.

The results of this pioneering study are crucial because they suggest that finger size may serve as an early indicator of risk for mental disorders.

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Such a discovery provides a valuable opportunity for doctors to identify those most at risk and provide them with help Early treatment.

The study represents an important step in understanding the pathological features of the human mind and opens the door to new methods of diagnosis and intervention for psychological disorders.