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Find out who will get the allowance in 2022

Find out who will get the allowance in 2022

The PIS/Pasep salary bonus has been postponed to 2022, which created an expectation in the worker who wants to withdraw money. This is because, until last year, PIS/Pasep launched in July. However, in 2021, this did not happen, after it was decided to make the base 2020 payment next year.

According to the information, all workers who meet the eligibility requirements will be paid from February to December 2022.

There will be changes in the payment of stipend next year, as it will not start in the second semester but in the first semester, therefore, the payment should always be made in the same calendar year to all workers. It takes place between January and December of the same year.

Payment will start from January to December of each year, for selected workers based on information provided by companies in the previous year.

In 2022, PIS/Pasep will pay up to the applicable minimum wage (estimated next year’s salary will be R$1,192.40).

Remember that the amount that will be paid will depend on the time of work: those who worked all year will receive the minimum wage, and for those who have worked for a shorter period, they will receive a proportional allowance.

Who is entitled to the salary premium?

To receive PIS/Pasep, a worker will need to have been enrolled in a Social Integration Program (PIS) for five years or more, received a bonus up to minimum wage in 2020, and worked on an official contract for at least 30 days in the past year.

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Another detail, it is essential that the company has correctly sent the workers information in the RAIS (Annual List of Social Information).

How do you consult a PIS/Pasep?

working with signed license, you can consult PIS through the Caixa Trabalhador app on the Caixa Econômica Federal website or call 0800 726 0207.

Public officials receive the pass and can be consulted at phone numbers 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas), 0800729 0001 (other cities).

Hearing impaired people can call 0800 229008.