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Find out which foods contain ultra-processed ingredients you can’t even imagine |  Science and health

Find out which foods contain ultra-processed ingredients you can’t even imagine | Science and health

Granola is one of those super-processed foods – Image: Getty Images

Scientists considered them evil hindering the Healthy foodtheUltra-processed foods UPFs represent most of the calories we consume in a day. They are foods that have been highly processed during production and typically contain five or more ingredients, as well as additives to alter flavour, texture, color, and shelf life.

Some research has already indicated that the increasing number of ultra-processed foods in the diet has contributed to an increase in conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Part of the problem is that these foods are so ubiquitous in everyday life that they can sneak into our diets without us noticing — even some seemingly healthy foods are technically super processed.

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Southampton-based Dietitian and Nutritionist Priya Teo is on the list daily Mail Some of the major UPFs that a person ingests throughout the day.

These are ultra-processed foods — and you might not know:

  • Breakfast Cereal;
  • granola bars
  • loaf bread
  • “unnatural” yogurt;
  • Industrial fruit juices
  • bacon;
  • sausage;
  • Industrial sandwiches
  • Pre-made salads
  • Hamburger is ready
  • piece of Chicken;
  • fish taste;
  • Frozen french fries
  • Instant soups.

“Some cereals, including cornflakes, are minimally processed, but when the manufacturer starts adding flavorings and colorings and lots of sugar, they become UPFs,” explains Priya Teo. The best option is to choose cereals that contain fewer than five ingredients and sugar is not among the two main ingredients. A high-fiber, sugar-free cereal is also a good option.[emsaoumaboaopção[emsãoumaboaopção

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Yogurt with fruit or granola is often considered a healthy choice, but if natural yogurt is processed and added sweeteners, preservatives, stabilizers or colors, it becomes highly processed like wheat, water, salt and yeast. They are only considered processed, while those with an ingredient list that also includes emulsifiers or colors are highly processed. “It is worth remembering that milk is pasteurized, but nothing is added to it,” says Priya.

As for sandwiches, it is best to collect them at home. “Avoid ultra-processed mayonnaise and sauces, and opt for less processed condiments like mustard or pesto. The type of bread you use also makes a big difference. White bread (even wholegrain) is mass-produced and packaged with a long shelf life. It’s cheaper, but it’s highly processed and contains Contains very little fibre.

Ready-to-eat salads, such as Caesar salad, “contain cooked chicken and sauces with lots of sugar, additives, and flavorings to help make the food tasty and keep it fresh for longer,” says the nutritionist. Choose to make a simple homemade salad.

The experts’ final advice is to always read food labels and avoid foods that are red flags: salt, sugar and fat.

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