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Find out the cases where a scientific puzzle didn’t fit the first time

Find out the cases where a scientific puzzle didn’t fit the first time

A small lizard was buried in this 99 million-year-old amber
Foto: Adolf Peretti / Handout / Peretti Museum Foudation / Current Biology

Scientists are explorers of the unknown, seeking to understand the world as it exists now and millions of years ago.

It’s a complex task and that means researchers sometimes get it wrong. that’s good. It’s really cool. Creative and systematic inquiry is how science advances and we learn more about planet Earth. Check out some cases where the pieces of a science puzzle didn’t fit together the first time.

wonderful creatures

With sharp teeth and bulging eyes, this tiny prehistoric animal trapped in a piece of amber made quite a stir when it made headlines last year. Paleontologists thought the subject was a dinosaur the size of a hummingbird.

But it turned out that the specimen was neither a bird nor a dinosaur, but a small lizard, with its nose shaped like a beak over time.

According to the researchers, the skull was deformed like amber, made from bits of tree resin shed from ancient bark, and hardened around it, expanding the bird-like features. A second sample of amber that preserved scales and soft tissue showed lizard-like characteristics, but the scientists said it did not resemble any lizard alive today.

Look for

In another instance in which scientists initially missed, astronomers were finally able to solve an ancient celestial mystery.

Betelgeuse, the bright star in the constellation Orion, dimmed in late 2019 and early 2020, a change visible to the naked eye that has piqued the interest of the space community.

Some thought the star was about to become a supernova – a powerful end-of-life explosion and a phenomenon not seen since the 17th century.

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But the new photos revealed exactly what was affecting the star.

ocean secrets

Sharks are one of nature’s oldest creatures – they swam across Earth’s oceans long before dinosaurs crawled around the planet. However, in the past there were many toothed predators.

New research finds that about 19 million years ago, about 90% of sharks in the open ocean died out. That’s twice the number that disappeared during the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Scientists don’t know exactly why this event occurred, but they have some interesting theories. Finding out more about this extinction could help researchers better understand the implications of shark population declines.

defying gravity

Think of a stressful day at work, then imagine wearing a 300-pound spacesuit at your job—and only a plate of glass separates you from the dark, endless void of the universe.

A powerful and much-needed modernization of the International Space Station, which has been orbiting Earth for more than two decades, went awry this week. According to NASA, technical delays during a spacewalk of about seven hours left the two astronauts without enough time to install the first two of the six panels onto a new set of solar panels.

Towards the end of its lifespan, the station and its role as the only place of continuous human presence in space is drawing to a close. China, which has long been excluded from the project, successfully launched three astronauts into orbit on Thursday (17). The three-man crew docked on Tianhe, the central unit of China’s nascent space station, which was launched in May.

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It’s China’s first manned mission in nearly five years and will last for three months, making it the longest for the country’s ambitious space program. The space station is expected to be completed in 2022.

The weather has changed

I visited Lake Mead, a huge reservoir on the border of Nevada and Arizona in the US, as a teenager on a family trailer ride in the mid-1990s. And swimming in the clear blue water, I vividly remember feeling deep under a foot. Soon after, the year 2000 was the last time Lake Mead was considered full.

Lake Mead, USA
Lake Mead, USA
Photo: Getty Images (Marc Guitard)

It is now at its lowest level since it was filled in the 1930s. This week, the tank’s capacity was 36% – about 44 meters below “full,” a deficit close to the height of the Statue of Liberty. Experts blame droughts caused by climate change and increased water demand among the 25 million people who depend on Lake Mead for supplies.

Scientists say the lake may never fill up again.

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