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Final Fantasy VII Remake for PS Plus will have the option to upgrade

Final Fantasy VII Remake for PS Plus will have the option to upgrade

Do you remember when the version PS5 From Final Fantasy VII Remake has arrived PS Plus subscribers have been disqualified from update? Well, the game has changed. Those who redeemed the title through the service will finally be able to count on Square Enix’s JRPG improvements soon. The source will be available on Wednesday (22), according to the publisher.

In addition to the upgrade – not to mention the additional costs later – those interested in DLC Intermission with ninja Yuffie Kisaragi will be able to purchase the expansion at 25% off – for a limited time. The information was shared by the company on Twitter, paying off:

From Wednesday…

PS Plus subscribers who redeem Final Fantasy VII Remake through the service will be able to upgrade to the PS5 version of the game;

The Intermission Episode, a DLC starring Yuffie Kisaragi, will be 25% off for a limited time;

When Square Enix announced Final Fantasy VII Intergrade Remake, making consumers aware of the lack of upgrade for PS Plus subscribers. Part of the March lineup, Cloud Adventure will soon become even better for those who saved the game and have PS5.

The new version of Final Fantasy VII is coming to PC

The adventure of Cloud, Tifa, and the rest of Sector 7’s fighters debuted on PC on December 16th. The arrival of JRPG on the platform was announced during the Game Awards. See how it goes!

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