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Fifty years ago, with the Clove Revolution, a new Portugal was born – Jornal da USB

Fifty years ago, with the Clove Revolution, a new Portugal was born – Jornal da USB

It is also important to highlight, as Pizzonia reminds us, that the revolution did not occur solely at the hands of the military. “Civilian figures opposed to the regime, many of them in exile (such as the case of Mario Soares, who would later assume the position of Prime Minister) were important in the development of the movement. But in general, figures associated with politicians, artists, intellectuals and professionals from the dictatorial state itself were active in the process that revealed The unveiling of the April 25 revolution.

The Third Portuguese Republic, as a result of the Carnation Revolution, initially had six provisional governments, which housed and alternated in their leadership the different political currents that participated in the movement, communists, socialists, liberals, militarists, etc., each implementing his own doctrinal convictions in the country, especially In the economic sphere, democracy restored after the revolution is always respected. In the process, much of its economy was nationalized and then privatized again. It was a period of continuous political conflicts between the parties of the new regime, before democracy took its natural course.

“On April 25, 1975, the first anniversary of the revolution, elections for the Constituent Assembly were held, with a participation rate of 92%. The Portuguese Communist Party and the Socialist Party, the two main left-wing parties, jointly (but presented separately) received 51% of the total vote. As for the Democratic Center Party, which proposed a return to the old corporate system, it received only 7.65%. The elections reflected, albeit in an indirect and certainly distorted way, the power relations in the country. “The State Department felt its influence,” recall Lincoln Seko, a professor in the USP Department of History, and Osvaldo Coggiola, a full professor in the USP History Department, in an article originally published on the website A Terra é Redonda (https://aterraeredonda.com.br/50-anos-da-revolucao-dos-cravos/).

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