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FGTS issues withdrawals of up to R,412 to workers with a formal contract

FGTS issues withdrawals of up to R$1,412 to workers with a formal contract

In 2024, there is a new feature that will make life easier for many Brazilians: the possibility of receiving a salary bonus directly into the account via PIX. This means more flexibility and convenience for those who rely on this important financial resource. But how does a salary bonus work and who is eligible for it?

The salary bonus is a type of fourteenth salary for formal workers, and is calculated on the basis of the months worked in the previous year. In 2024, many Brazilians still have money to collect for 2022, and it is essential that they do not miss this opportunity. Let’s understand this process better.

Salary allowance: who is eligible?

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Many people wonder about the criteria for obtaining this feature. The answer includes some specific conditions:

  • Be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years.
  • Have completed formal paid work for at least 30 days in 2022.
  • Earn an average of two minimum wages per month through 2022.
  • Keep your data on the Annual Social Information Inventory (RAIS) up to date.

If you meet these criteria, you are entitled to receive a salary bonus and you should pay attention to the dates and methods for receiving it.

How to consult and receive salary allowance?

To find out if you are entitled to a salary bonus, there are some simple steps you can follow through the application cashier:

  • Download or update the Caixa Trabalhador app on your smartphone.
  • Log in with your CPF and password registered on gov.br.
  • Go to the “Benefits” section and search for “Salary Allowance.”
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This will allow you to know immediately whether you have funds to obtain and what amount is available. This step-by-step guide is simple and prevents you from losing the advantage due to lack of information.

What are the dates for withdrawing the salary bonus?

The 2023 salary bonus amounts have already been released. The withdrawal deadline is 27 December 2024. It is important to be within this period, as from that date onwards you will need to wait for a new release from the government.

What if I miss the deadline?

Missing the deadline for withdrawing the benefit does not mean that you have lost your right to receive the benefit, but rather that you will need to wait for a new call. Staying informed and with updated data in the Caixa Trabalhador app is essential in this process.

Receiving a salary bonus is a way to boost your income and ensure additional financial comfort. Therefore, paying attention to deadlines and conditions is crucial to ensuring that this important benefit reaches you in the most practical way possible.