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FGTS 2021: Caixa versions up to R,900;  See how you get it

FGTS 2021: Caixa versions up to R$2,900; See how you get it

a birthday loot It is a method that allows the worker to recover part of his balance deposited annually in the work compensation fund (FGTS). Workers born in July can already withdraw benefits. See who can receive the calendar with all dates.

The withdrawal is always made in the month of the citizen’s birth. It is noteworthy that when the worker chooses this alternative of withdrawal, he will not be entitled to FGTS Full payment after dismissal without valid reason, only 40% fine for ending the balance.

In addition, the worker who adheres to the method birthday loot You have up to three months to receive the credit. In that sense, July birthdays have until September 30th to withdraw the amount.

Who has the right?

Citizen who wants to join birthday loot It should work with a formal contract and have a balance in FGTS. Also, it is necessary to inform the decision to join the withdrawal method at Caixa Econômica.

For this, employees can access the FGTS application, available for Android and iOS, on the FGTS website, in Caixa Internet Banking, as well as join in person at branches of the financial institution.

It is noteworthy that in order to subscribe, the employee must submit the application by the last working day of the month in which he celebrates his birthday. If the deadline has already passed, the procedure can be carried out only next year.

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Payment schedule

birth month Withdrawal period
Janeiro 01/04 a 31/03
February 02/01/a 30/04
March 01/03 A 31/05
April 04/01 a 06/30
May 05/03 A 07/30
June 06/01 a 31/08
July 07/01 a 30/09
August 08/02 A 29/10
September 09/01 a 30/11
October 10/01 a 31/12
November 01/11 A 31/01/2022
Dec 01/12 A 28/02/2022
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What is the value of Christmas loot?

The amount available through the birthday draw may vary according to the balance range in FGTS. For each one, there is a discount percentage. Check the table below:

Balance ranges in R $ Withdrawal rate Additional plot
Up to 500.00 BRL 50% _
De R $ 500,01 a R $ 1,000,00 40% 50 BRL
De R $ 1,000,01 a R $ 5,000,00 30% 150 BRL
5,000,01 BRL 10,000,00 BRL 20% 650 BRL
R$10,000,01 a R$15,000,00 15th% 1.150 Brazilian Real
15,000,01 BRL 20.000,00 BRL 10% 1,900 BRL

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