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Few can find the word “GATO” in less than 10 seconds

Few can find the word “GATO” in less than 10 seconds

test animals

Photos – Editing / Online Series / Reproduction / Canva

Cats are independent animals that are distinguished by their intelligence and ability to hunt. Its history goes back to prehistoric times, when its ancestors roamed the planet in search of new territories and food.

It is believed that Felis silvestris lybica (the African wild cat) was one of the first domesticated animals. Records indicate that these animals would have approached humans about 9,500 years ago.

At this time, humans began to establish permanent settlements, to stock up on food. This caught the attention of stray cats, who were looking for mice and shelter. This began a gradual and spontaneous process of domestication.

Upon realizing the benefits and uses of cats in pest control, humans tolerated their presence and gradually domesticated them. Unlike dogs, cats have always maintained an independent behaviour, not relying exclusively on human control.

Like their ancestors, they can climb many obstacles in search of prey. In addition, their bodies are prepared for big jumps, which prevents them from getting hurt when falling from small heights.

Search for the word “CAT”:

Image – Montage / Playback / Canva

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