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Felipe Anderson is registered with the IDB and should make his debut for Palmeiras; see how he can play | Palmeiras

Felipe Anderson is registered with the IDB and should make his debut for Palmeiras; see how he can play | Palmeiras

Watch Philip Anderson’s press conference in Palmeiras

Felipe Anderson’s name was published in the daily newsletter of the Brazilian Football Confederation (BID) and he is free to make his debut with the national team. Palm trees On Wednesday, against Botafogo, at the Nilton Santos stadium.

With the reinforcement set to be announced, first reported by Simon Noah, the big question on fans’ minds is: where could the new No. 9 fit into Abel Ferreira’s team?

In Lazio’s last three seasons in Italy, Felipe has mostly played as a right winger, a position currently occupied by Estevao, a big name at Palmeiras. But the player has made it clear that he can do other jobs.

Leila Pereira and Felipe Anderson at the Palmeiras Football Academy – Photo: Cesar Greco

– In the last three years at Lazio, the coach has changed me a lot. I played a lot on the right, but he put me on the left, in the middle. Last month, I even played as a winger. Since arriving in Italy, I have learned a lot about tactics and I wanted to know all the positions to absorb the games, which is what the coach demands. This has helped me a lot in collaborating with the team. I like to be available regardless of the position – he summed it up.

In addition to the right wing with Estêvão, today’s lineup includes Rafael Veiga again in great form. However, the vacancy on the left is open.

Felipe Anderson during Palmeiras training at the football academy – Photo: Cesar Greco

Therefore, Felipe Anderson appears as a candidate for this position, but he was willing to play as a false 9, as an option for Flaco López, the reference striker and top scorer of the team. Palm trees In the year with 15 goals.

– In the last (two seasons) I also played as a false 9, with freedom of movement. It’s a position I like – he summed it up.

The main booster of the Verdão window, Felipe Anderson, considers himself physically fit to play against Botafogo. The only pending issue was the organization of the Brazilian Football Confederation’s daily information bulletin, which took place on Monday afternoon.

Although he is in good form and has made 151 appearances without missing a single game for Lazio, the tendency is for the player to start his career as a substitute, gaining space as the games go on.

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