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Federal revenue scramble may be related to income tax and eSocial, says union – 07/03/2022 – Marketplace

a movement departure of the Federal Revenue Servers, Those who gave up their leadership positions in December due to agency budget cuts, and Operation Target Zero, implemented by workers still employed, may be responsible for failures in the federal government’s systems on Monday (7).

At least two of the services provided to users through revenue –Download Income Tax Program 2022 And creating an electronic social directory to pay home employer taxes – it didn’t work all day.

The first site to fail, around 8:30 a.m., was Meu Imposto de Renda, found on the Revenue website (Receita.economiga.gov.br). Taxpayers who tried to download the IR software could not. A failure message appeared. The same thing happened with the Meu Imposto de Renda app. Until this text was completed, it was still not possible to download the software from Federal Revenue.

Only those who got into the system a little earlier, between 8:00 am and 8:30 am, were able to download the program, but there was a slowdown and the download took up to an hour.

In case eSocial, used to create proof of tax payment indicating domestic employee assignment, failure results in the employer’s inability to access the barcode document. Salary values ​​appeared as zero, without it being possible to create the proof The last day of the February efficient payment deadline.

For civil servants’ unions, 1,500 positions of trust were handed over in December and goal zero operation which have been implemented since then due to cuts in the IRS budget that interfere with the provision of services to the population.

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“Revenue has a complex process and many interconnected systems. To the extent that there is no target process, new innovative projects are not delivered, 1500 commission positions are delivered. [nas chefias] And other mobilization measures, it is clear that the workflow is at risk and reactions like this are emerging”, says Mauro Silva, President of Unafisco Nacional (National Association of Tax Auditors of the Federal Revenue Service in Brazil).

Revenue budget cut in half

On a note, Sindifisco (Brazil’s National Federation of Tax Auditors for Federal Revenue) attributes failures in federal revenue systems to server shortages and revenue budget cuts. In December, the federal government took money from the agency and set aside the sum to give police officers a raise.

Anderson Akahoshi Novaes, chair of the Sindifisco Nacional Federation of delegates, says the obligation to deliver the IRPF was already foreseen and that this had been warned by tax auditors since December. He claims that half of the budget cuts were specifically in the area of ​​IRS information technology.

“The Ministry of Economy has been alerted since December. Now, we have what is concrete. It seems that Paulo Guedes thinks the collection in our country is automatic. Or perhaps the goal is to disable the collecting machine in the middle of an election year,” he says.

The Revenue Service, on a note, sought that in the income tax case the program was in great demand, which affected the system. As for eSocial, no response has been received from the agency. The Department of Labor and Welfare has taken a stand that underscores the instability in eSocial and asks employers to make new access available.

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The IRS says about the income tax return program.

The Department of Labor and Social Care sent an eSocial memo, saying the failure was on schedule. “The technical field reported that in the morning, the system recorded instability. All have been resolved since early afternoon. We suggest employers try again,” the agency says. However, readers are still not able to access.

The deadline for income tax declaration will be shorter this year

The The income tax return has already started to be submitted with delay, with the software released and dispatched only from 8:00 AM on Monday (7). In general, the application started on the 1st of March and the program was made available in advance. The deadline ends at 23:59 on April 29, and failures that do occur may harm taxpayers. Those who are obligated to declare and be late pay a fine of no less than R$ 165.74, which can be up to 20% of the tax due.

The A strike by the Federal Revenue Service at the end of last yearGiuliano Neves, the company’s management agent, confirmed the handover of trust and standard operating positions at the authority, as reasons for delaying this year’s international relations campaign.

According to him, in addition to This year’s International Relations Innovations, which includes the issuance of pre-packaged declaration to 10 million taxpayersThe movement of auditors and analysts influenced the setting of the deadline in 2022.

“We’ve had a claim from tax auditors and tax analysts since the last week of 2021 and this has really affected our schedule, which is why it couldn’t have been launched. [o programa] “On the usual day, the first of March,” he said in an interview on February 24.

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This year, 34.1 million ads are expected. A taxpayer who has a taxable income of more than R$28,559.70 in 2021, which includes salary, retirement and pension, for example, is obligated to provide accounts.

Anyone who had transactions on the stock exchange, moved to the country in 2021 and was here on December 31, or made a profit from the sale of goods and rights for the year, is also included in the mandatory list. There are also other rules that require accountability to the tax authorities.