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Federal Government Launches Gas Voucher for Low-Income Families: Learn How to Get It!

Federal Government Launches Gas Voucher for Low-Income Families: Learn How to Get It!

To ease the burden of the high cost of cooking gas on low-income families, the federal government launched the Vale-gás Initiative. As of February 16, 2024, selected families will receive a monthly amount of R$102, the transferred amount equivalent to 100% of the national rate of cooking gas of 13 kg, as published by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). ).

Vale-gás recipients and new payment dates

The target audience for the Vale-gás program is families registered in the Unified Register (CadÚnico), as long as their monthly income is equal to or less than half of the minimum wage. In addition to these families, BPC enrollees who share the same household are also eligible for this benefit.

Basic requirements for obtaining a gas voucher

To qualify as a Vale-gás beneficiary, it is important to be actively registered with CadÚnico and have a per capita household income of up to half of the minimum wage (R$ 606) or have a total household income equal to or less than three minimum wages. Households with incomes above three minimum wages, but who participate in government income transfer programs, or have a Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC/Loas) member may also be covered. Families that have priority will be those with lower income, a greater number of members, beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil, as well as those selected by the Director through information verification.

Gas assistance payment calendar

Gas subsidy will be paid using your Social Identification Number (NIS). For February 2024, payment will be as follows:

  • NIS Final 1: February 16;
  • NIS Final 2: February 19;
  • NIS Final 3: February 20;
  • NIS Final 4: February 21;
  • NIS Final 5: February 22;
  • NIS Final 6: February 23;
  • NIS 7 Final: February 26;
  • NIS 8 Final: February 27;
  • NIS 9 Final: February 28;
  • End of NIS 0: February 29;
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To find out more details about Vale-gás payments, beneficiary families can use the Bolsa Família and Caixa Tem apps, or use the hotline at 111.