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Fazenda: Sisters steal the spotlight from Diolan with coup demonstrations – 04/12/2022

Fazenda: Sisters steal the spotlight from Diolan with coup demonstrations – 04/12/2022

The tide isn’t too positive for Doctor Deolane Bezerra’s tragic passage through it farm🇧🇷 The tough stance towards his opponents causes a series of misfortunes that systematically occur against his public image.

First, she lost whatever edge she had initially as a favorite for the prize. She is currently seen as the show’s great villain, along with her minions – the villainous Petala, Pia, and Muranguinho.

Despite this, he still maintains hero status. as such Brilliantly created Aline Ramos on Saturday’s Central Splash special, Bárbara Borges herself, the main contender for the title, has only a dramatic relationship on the show due to her animosity towards Deolane.🇧🇷

But some people here are fighting hard to steal the spotlight from the lawyer and shine for their own good. The most surprising thing is that they are precisely members of the family, members of the hard core of the most radical bases in Deolândia.

Unfortunately, I’m talking about Danielle and Diane, the Dulan sisters, who for weeks have been doing everything they can to take advantage of having their closest famous relative on the wave-surfing TV show and profit from a little crumb.

Devoid of any notions of civility or even interest in peaceful coexistence with those who think differently, and being called eccentric sisters or weak-spirited sisters, the two continue their progression toward forgetting common sense.

The latest, and most absurd, initiative was to invite fans to a coup demonstration in front of A Fazenda’s headquarters. The goal is to signal Deolane to quit the program after being embarrassed at losing the fake photo to her main opponent.

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This means, in addition to all the other problems, that they are also sore losers and want to screw up a program that could bring so much benefit to all of them.

The escalation of aggression by Deolane and her allies within has not received due rebuke from the reality production, which now has to deal with an increase in equally troubling events outside of the programme. Even Fazenda needs boundaries, as reality insists on pretending.

We will come back anytime with new information.