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Fast food for breakfast and lots of coke

Fast food for breakfast and lots of coke

Imagine one of the most successful people in the world, with a multi-billion dollar fortune. Now, imagine this person still has a childish taste for fast food, sugary sodas, and sweets. This is life Warren BuffettCEO of Berkshire Hathaway and the fifth richest man in the world.

While many try to eat healthy, Buffett, now 92, prefers hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. He eats McDonald’s for breakfast, drinks five cans of Coke every day, and loves to gorge himself on cookies and chocolate.

Image: shutterstock.

But that’s not all: Berkshire owns See’s Candies and Dairy Queen brands that Buffett loves. Additionally, Coca-Cola and Kraft Heinz are among the largest holdings in its $300 billion stock portfolio.

Despite his unconventional eating habits, Buffett defends these choices in his annual letters to shareholders. And who can blame you? After all, he knows what he likes — and that includes delicious fast food and irresistible desserts.

Secrets of a long journey

In all of the billionaire’s quotes, it was possible to prove a diet with very simple eating habits.

“I found everything I like to eat at the age of six. Why should I be eating these other foods?” Buffett said when referring to healthy foods. It didn’t end there, Buffett went on to say, “I think happiness makes a huge difference in terms of longevity,” he asserts.

So if you’re a fan of cola or hot dogs, don’t worry, you can continue to enjoy these foods while staying healthy like Buffett. By his own admission, he has a room full of Coca-Cola and drinks at least five bottles a day!