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FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

The goal is to support early-career researchers interested in the big questions in their areas of expertise (Image: Onblas)

Call for offers

FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

The notice will support projects in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science; Applications will be taken until January 25th

Call for offers

FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

The notice will support projects in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science; Applications will be taken until January 25th

FAPESP and Instituto Serrapilheira are launching a call for proposals for early-career researchers

The goal is to support early-career researchers interested in the big questions in their areas of expertise (Image: Onblas)

FAPESP Agency – FAPESP and the Serrapilheira Institute announce the second call for proposals within the scope of the cooperation agreement between the two institutions.

This initiative is part of the 7th Serrapilheira Call for Science and aims to fund early-career researchers interested in big questions in their areas of expertise. The notice will support research in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science.

Serrapilheira and FAPESP will be able to provide joint support, with mutually determined values, to researchers chosen by both parties. FAPESP will be able to fully fund researchers who reach the final stage in the Serrapilheira selection process, but are not selected for support from the Institute due to budget constraints.

In all cases, support from FAPESP will take into account the fundable elements stipulated in the Young Investigator Research Grant (JP) or Primary Project Research Grant (Pi).

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Those selected will have access to additional resources specifically aimed at integrating and training people from underrepresented groups into research teams.

This edition also includes partnerships with the National Council of State Research Support Institutions (Confap) and with State Research Support Foundations (FAPs), with the aim of expanding support for young scientists in the respective states.

Applications will be received until January 25, with advance proposals sent to the Serrabelheira Institute. Complete proposals must then be submitted via the management support system (wise) until April 4.

The call is available at: fapesp.br/16515.