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Faith and Science in Dialogue on Laudato Si’.  Earth sends a message to humanity – Instituto Humanitas Unisinos

Faith and Science in Dialogue on Laudato Si’. Earth sends a message to humanity – Instituto Humanitas Unisinos

From last Sunday to May 28th, the week dedicated to the topics of the letter published eight years ago Pope Francis. In the middle is the documentary The Message, which gives voice to nature, climate migrants, indigenous people, the poor and young people.

report from Riccardo Macchioneposted by AvvenirMay 23, 2023. translate from Louisa Rapolini.

The keyword isHopesNot as general optimism, but in Christian meaning. That is, the good presence of God the Father in every stage of human life. Always by your side, embracing your troubles, but at the same time calling you to your responsibilities. After all, each edition of Laudato Si Week brings together, this year from last Sunday to May 28, the present and reflection on the future of our common home. The starting point is the “social” encyclical of Pope Francis published on May 24, eight years ago. A text that reminds of the human duty to take care of the creation that he is his guardian and not his owner.

In 2023, the guiding theme will be “Hope on earth. Hope for humanityIt also means favoring the “necessary dialogue between faith and science”. Regina Coley, stating that there is a “great need to combine skills and creativity!” And the terrible recent disasters that have befallen us Emilia-Romagna There to prove it. Theology that it Sciences Therefore, they are the protagonists of a dialogue that starts from different points of view but points to the same goal. To achieve this, he seeks spaces for convergence between human needs and those of nature, between spiritual harm and environmental damage.

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Perspectives, areas of research around which the documentary “Karta” revolves, are placed at the heart of initiatives week. The film is also known to be directed by the director Nicholas Brown winner in AmyLaudato Sí’, narrates the dialogue with the Pope about the future of the planet. For this, the Dicastery to promote integrated human development invites to Vatican Some voices are committed to protecting creation in their lands.

Therefore, the protagonists are ArunaAnd RobinAnd GregAnd Boss dada that it Riddhima. Called to be the voice of flora and fauna, poor people, indigenous people, young people, marine life. come from Africa exploited and defrauded, Indial Hawaiifrom Amazon. “That beautiful movie.” – Cardinal Michael Czerny, Conservative Dicastery for Integrated Human Development – Safaa’s cry to people all over the world: Wake up! be serious! Work together! act now! There is no more time to lose.”

Climate refugee from Senegal Aruna Kandi, one of the protagonists of the documentary. “I left my region to seek refuge in another region because of the consequences Global Warming. Today we have to accept that future generations will not be made to pay for mistakes for which they are not responsible. It was also deterministic Chief Odair “Dada” Borarichief of the indigenous lands Maru In the to In the Brazilwhich upon launch letter It became a translator for “the forest and the indigenous people in the struggle for justice”, which means to defend Amazon. I hope – and he added – that in the policy of the new president of Brazil there is no room for the destruction of the forest.

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Among the proposals for week In the first place is the invitation to view “A Carta” as a family, with friends, along with your own community. Then discuss about it. Because “once you know what’s going on, you won’t be able to look away,” but we will be drawn to it Represent. In addition to the always necessary analytics, we are actually in a time to do. The accompanying brochure week.

when reading”Our common home“, Hey”A guide to taking care of our planetIn association with Holy See and by Stockholm Environmental Institute (KnownOne of them was impressed by two topics accompanying each chapter:What needs to be changed?“. And “Let’s get to workThis will also be discussed today at the round table to be held at Villa BorgheseOne pomegranate. Sirny will be accompanied by an ambassador Sweden next to Holy SeeAnd Andres Gattoby the Executive Director of KnownAnd Mann NelsonAnd Ulf R. Hanson boss Swedish Institute for Classical Studies in pomegranate and head Laudato Si movementThomas Insua.

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Faith and Science in Dialogue on Laudato Si’. Earth sends a message to humanity – Instituto Humanitas Unisinos – IHU