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Facebook condemned: How to tell if your data has been leaked

Facebook condemned: How to tell if your data has been leaked

Facebook was ordered to compensate about 160,000 in Espírito Santo for the leak of personal data that occurred in 2021. Each affected user is entitled to R$500.

This estimate is from IT consultant Eduardo Pinheiro. Across the country, 8 million must be compensated by the tech giant.

Read more: Facebook ordered to compensate 8 million Brazilians for the data leak

The decision was made by Judge Douglas de Melo Martins, of the Division of Pervasive and Collective Interests, Rod of São Luis, Magistrate of Maranhao. By adding the amounts, Facebook will be able to pay R$4 billion.

The social network has yet to pay R72 million for collective moral damages, which will go to the Maranhão Diffuse Rights Fund. The decision is in the first instance, and Facebook can still appeal.

Among the leaked data were the phone number, email address, name, date of birth and place of work.

Here’s how to tell if your data has been leaked:

> Databases like Facebook can be accessed by anyone, from criminals to security experts.

> And with this kind of information I was satisfied? (the address is haveibeenpwned.com), one of the main sites for checking users with leaked volumes.

> Created by security specialist Troy Hunt, who also works with Microsoft, the service does not provide access to all data, of course, but it does allow everyone to check if their email appears in the dozens of leaks already recorded in the world of technology.

> The process is simple, just access the site haveibeenpwned.com And enter your email. In the case of a telephone it is necessary to use the international format which begins with +55 followed by the area code and the number without spaces.

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> A green message indicates that your information is not in any leaks. However, red shows the opposite and you know that your email or cell phone, yes, has been leaked by criminals and you need to watch out or take action on it.

> Other tools can also be used, such as a tool built into the Google Chrome browser that automatically analyzes passwords stored in the browser.

> Once activated by the passwords.google.com address, the system checks in real time and flags security problems, such as compromised, weak or duplicated credentials, as well as links that take the user directly to the services to make the exchange.

> In case of leaks, keep antivirus applications and security solutions active and always updated on your cell phone and computer, as well as apply updates to the operating system and other software used on a daily basis.

Source: Canaltech website and A Tribunal survey.

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