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Fabim Science and Technology Prize 2024

Fabim Science and Technology Prize 2024

Fabim Science and Technology Prize 2024

Those interested in competing for the 2024 Fapeam Science, Technology and Innovation Prize can submit their proposals until 5pm on 31 October.

Fapeam Award Objectives

The Fapeam Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation – Ennio Candotti – 2024 edition aims to highlight innovative projects and reward those that stand out in scientific publishing. With a total investment of R$301,000, the subcategories will reward the first place finisher with values ​​ranging from R$2,900 to R$5,720.

Featured categories

The award categories include: Outstanding Researcher, Innovative Researcher, School Science Teacher, and Communication Professional. More information about this public call is available at: https://www.fapeam.am.gov.br/editais/conselho-dir-resolucao-no-0282024-edital-de-chamada-publica-fapeam-no-0022024-premio-fapeam-de-ciencia-tecnologia- e-innovacao-enio-candotti-edicao-2024/

Tribute to Ennio Candotti

In this edition, the award is a tribute to the famous researcher Ennio Candotti. Candotti, who was born in Italy and graduated in physics from the University of the South Pacific, is known for his contribution to the Museum of the Amazon (Muse) and his work in popularizing science. His legacy is an inspiration to new researchers who seek to impact society through scientific knowledge.

The award results will be announced in November 2024, and the awards ceremony is scheduled to take place in January 2025. For more information, access the full notification on the Fapeam website.

image: Disclosure/Fapeam

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