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"Exchange..." John gains strength in Fla and Side is approved by Santos fans to be put into action

“Exchange…” John gains strength in Fla and Side is approved by Santos fans to be put into action


The player is surrounded by Dorival Júnior and the situation can facilitate negotiation

Photo: Evan Storti/Santos
Photo: Evan Storti/Santos

flamingo watching Villa Belmero Once the transfer window opens, Santos will have to prepare to negotiate one of their players with Rio, who must prepare an offer for goalkeeper John. Information from journalist Venê Casagrande.

The goalkeeper was used little in the Alvinegra team and the small space in fish, may facilitate negotiations for a possible transfer of John. However, ideas and desires appear in the impending deal between Santos and Flamingo.

Santastico supporters have pointed out a way for Picasso to open a bid against Flamengo, which would certainly be an advance in Villa’s squad. This is an exchange for goalkeeper John by right back Matizinho. The youngster could also be easier to negotiate, as his position at the Rio de Janeiro club has changed. Before, he was more appreciative and many understood that he would be the holder of the position in a short time. But, since the start of the season, the player has also vacillated a lot and has seen Rodini overtake him in favoring Dorival Jr.

Matthews is only 22 years old and constantly receives polls from Europe. Teams from Germany, Spain and England have referenced player information. Flamengo, in turn, is open to discussing the departure of the youngster if a good offer comes to the club table after the end of the major tournaments.