a Central Bank (BC) Create System of Values Receivable (SVR) in the last year. At that time, about R$2.3 billion had been returned by law to Brazilians. The sums were left in banks and finance companies for different cases.
However, when BC was preparing to start the second phase of the SVR, the employees of the enterprise went on strike. Due to the suspension of activities, consultations and looting have been postponed indefinitely.
However, the person in charge informed that the operation will return in January next year, but without a specific date. According to the information, there are at least R$3.6 billion available for withdrawal of approximately R32 million.
The system of amounts due in 2023
according to info central bankStarting in January, banks and financial institutions will provide more data on the values that Brazilians have forgotten. However, this does not mean that consultations and returns will take place at the same time.
Thus, there is still no date for looting to occur again. The system is expected to be improved and released again in the first quarter of the year.
Who is entitled to receive forgotten money?
In addition to forgotten balances in financial accounts and investments, fees charged by financial institutions incorrectly and credit obligations not stipulated in contracts will also be reversed.
Regarding the release of the method, a date should be announced in early 2023, after BC catalogs all data received by financial institutions. In this sense, the estimates of the amounts and the number of persons to be served are:
- 23.58 million customers will be able to receive up to R$10;
- 7.94 million R$ between R$10 and R$100;
- 2.86 million R$ between R$100 and R$1,000;
- 476.5 thousand have more than a thousand Brazilian reals.
In addition, there are expectations that in the second phase of the SVR, heirs and legal representatives will be able to withdraw amounts from the accounts of deceased or disabled persons. It is worth noting that this was indeed an expected measure in the central bank’s plan.
How do you consult forgotten money?
However, when the system is back in the air, considering that no more changes have been made, see how to retract the forgotten values, if any. Check step by step:
- Access to the site Values areceber.bcb.gov.br On the date announced and logged in;
- Next, make inquiries about the amounts to be received; the institution that must return the amount; forgotten origin of money;
- Click the ′′Order via Here′′ option to receive via Pix, or the ′′Order via Establishment′′ option to connect and order to the organization of your choice.
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