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Europamundo trains 300 travel agents in Saudi Arabia and Jalapao – VoeNews – Notícias do Turismo

Europamundo trains 300 travel agents in Saudi Arabia and Jalapao – VoeNews – Notícias do Turismo

The training is part of the Dobradinha project, implemented in partnership with 100 Limites Expedições and supported by Schultz Operadora.

Two destinations that are geographically distant, but have similar attributes for the traveler looking for adventure, culture, and unforgettable experiences. The tourism offer in Saudi Arabia and Jalapao is at the heart of Project Dobradinha, a training initiative aimed at providing travel agents from all over Brazil with details on the possibilities of itineraries in the two regions.

Agents participating in a dinner, in Foz do Iguaçu. Publicity photos.

Launched in May, the initiative is the result of a partnership between Europamundo, reference in quality on various organized itineraries around the world, and 100 Limites Expedições, specializing in itineraries through Jalapao, with the support of Schultz Operadora, one of the most complete tour operators in the world.. Brazil that She is responsible for choosing the guests. “Schultz’s performance was key, as we had access to the best travel agents in each region,” notes Clayton Araujo, Europamundo’s representative in Brazil.

Last week, the project that has already trained 230 professionals during the promotional rounds held in São José do Rio Preto, Presidente Prudente and Bauru, in the interior of São Paulo, arrived in Paraná. Foz do Iguaçu was the first city to host the event, bringing together more than 70 travel agents interested in learning more about the two destinations. Taking place a few days before the start of the Festival das Cataratas, the meeting took place at the Casa de Oliva restaurant led by Clayton Araujo and Clape Filho, CEO of 100 Limites.

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Agents participating in a dinner, in Foz do Iguaçu. Publicity photos.

Opened up for international travelers in 2019, Saudi Arabia stands out for its blend of pristine nature, exotic culture and unique cuisine, features highlighted in the Yorubamundo itineraries, as well as a good cost-benefit ratio. The same applies to Jalapão, a destination that has been enchanting Brazilians with its crystal waterfalls, exotic kettles and orange dunes that are fertile fields for various outdoor adventures, organized by 100 Limites Expedições.

“The meetings allow us to train travel agents for these two up-and-coming destinations and we have received positive feedback in terms of format and content, including information on increasing sales,” celebrates Araújo.

About Europamundo Vacaciones

Created 25 years ago, Europamundo Vacaciones (EMV) is a leader in road circuits across Europe and holder of exclusive routes in many other countries, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, India, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Headquartered in Madrid, Spain, with a staff of 140, it has representatives in key countries of the Americas, Africa and Asia. Nearly 200 guides transport between 180,000 and 200,000 passengers a year, on more than 1,000 itineraries on various routes. More information is available at location.