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“Eternal sleep”: a sleeping pig encounters a 9-meter-high anaconda in a kennel

“Eternal sleep”: a sleeping pig encounters a 9-meter-high anaconda in a kennel

Stunning video shows a 9-meter green anaconda devouring a sleeping pig. pictures from Reptile channel (Reptile channel), making impressive recordings of snakes.

Anaconda eats pigAnaconda surprises piglet in kennel – Image: Reptile Channel/Disclosure/ND

This snapshot was made by researchers from the Department of Botany and Zoology at the University of Guadalajara, in the state of Jalisco in Mexico. Pig is shown surprised by Snake while he is sleeping in the kennel. Watch the video at the end of the report.

The snake weighs about 226 kg and has orange spots. The video highlights a pig being raised for consumption. YouTubers were outraged by the scene.

The giant snake squeezes the mammal and then swallows it. “The photographer deserves a medal!” , a netizen registers.

Anacondas do not have chins

According to the researchers, the anaconda can expand its mouth to the point of swallowing the pig whole. This stems from the fact that the snake does not have a “chin”, like humans, which limits the bite.

Giant meals like this pig don’t scare snakes. Unlike a mammal’s jaw—which is designed for tough chewing or bite force—a snake’s jaw is attached to tendons and ligaments that give it the flexibility of a gymnast.

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