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ES has 143 confirmed cases and over 62 suspected cases

Photo: Disclosure

As of Tuesday (29), referring to the 48th epidemiological week (SE), Espiritu Santo has recorded 143 confirmed cases of monkeypox🇧🇷 According to the updated data in the bulletin Secretary of State for Health (CISA)And 62 suspected cases of the disease are still under investigation.

This week, the folder contained 988 notices. Of these, 737 have been disposed. In the previous bulletin issued last Tuesday (22), there were 961 notifications, with 141 confirmed cases and 717 neglected cases.

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Male patients still make up the majority: there are 122 men. Total women 21 cases. With the new data, two more male patients are among the new records, in relation to SE 47.

Municipalities of Espírito Santo where the cases have been registered

Most of the cases were recorded in Vila Velha (40). Next comes Capital Vitória (38), and in third place is Serra (19). Still in Gran Vitoria, Cariacica (16) and Guarapari (9) appear.

In the interior of the state, the municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim accounted for 4 cases, Linhares (4), Itapemirim (2), Ibiraçu (2), Nova Venécia (1), Pedro Canario (1), Santa Teresa (1) and São Mateus ( 1) and Villa Bavao (1).

Symptoms and signs of monkeypox reported by patients

– rash (135)
Sudden fever (89).
Headache (62)
Weakness (49).
Sore throat (41).
– muscle pain (41)
– enlarged gland (33)
– sweat/chills (33)
Arthralgia (26)

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