Reproduction/Instagram Ludmila's mother defends her daughter after Verojim video: “I'm losing my admiration” Silvana Oliveira, Ludmila's mother, has decided to...
Reproduction Yasmine Brunet's manager criticizes Donna Dea after reprimanding her: “Ignorant” It seems that the atmosphere between Yasmin Brunet and...
Blink-182 confirmed the cancellation of the shows, claiming that Travis Barker needed to return to the United States for family...
Wanessa Camargo speaks out for the first time after being eliminated from BBB 24 Singer Vanessa Camargo spoke to Fantástico...
Sunday (17) is Baredao Day in BP24. Throughout the day, opposing groups set voting targets. The formation promises a lot...
GiovannaReproduction/Globo Published 03/17/2024 at 10:30 | Updated on 17/03/2024 at 10:30 Rio - Giovanna and Raccolo analyze the first wall...
Photo: X/Big Brother Brasil / Pipoca Moderna Pastry maker Fernanda Pandey demonstrated this Saturday afternoon (16/3), while punishing the monster...
She is currently involved in the Re/Done campaign, a denim brand that practices sustainability. Campaign images show Pamela wearing miniskirts,...
From the newsroom - with information from Estadão ConteúdoI From the newsroom - with information from Estadão Conteúdo -
Olivia Rodrigo – Credits: Reproduction/Instagram In your presentation in Saint Louiswe wethe singer Olivia Rodrigo He made the morning-after pill...