This Monday (10), Multiple display The program premiered In bed with Betandawith two of its most controversial and eye-catching participants...
After four days in the hospital, Preeta Gill took to social media on Monday (10) to update on her health...
Image reproduction - LGBT flag The UK Teachers' Union is demanding that schools hold events with drag queens, to encourage...
MC Danielle and Michael Borges were eliminated from Dança dos Vamosos on Sunday (9). The second group competed for three...
'BBB 24' ended a while ago, but is it still possible to make a duet? In recent days, rumors have...
She said she had to take a sedative to rest: “Yesterday I was afraid of some things that happened to...
The Jordanian Royal Court ordered the actress and former Minister of Culture to compensate Laila Deniz's daughter for linking the...
Banco Itaú has launched a new line of products: associations developed specifically for Brazilians residing in the USA. Image: Disclosure....
Edlaine Barboza, Guipa and Caio Perroni are in the fourth danger zone of the palace Who do you want to...
Singer Adele recently sparked controversy when she berated a homophobic fan during one of her shows in Las Vegas. On...