entertainmentAfter being eliminated from the reality show, the former Glass became a "target" for jokes on Big Therapyfor every Gabriela...
It's universally agreed that British cuisine isn't controversial, but the Stargazy pie, an oven-baked pie with whole sardines heads, makes...
It is not possible to please everyone. The last of usThe new HBO series has garnered a sea of praise...
Adele He told us, during a show in Las Vegas, wewho hears various stories by walking through the audience while...
Indeed, each beginning of the year is marked by renewals and goals to be achieved. Although January is already coming...
Campus Party Brasilia confirms the release of the event at the Mané Garrincha Stadium #CPBSB5 will take place between April...
Elvis key He admitted that he was jealous of Gustavo Benedetti After he was caught in the shower while Larissa...
Discord game Beef was sown among the fourth allies in the desert BBB 23 (Globe).They have to argue after the...
A strange spiral of flying blue light, with the appearance of a galaxy, was seen in the Hawaiian sky, on...
Latest lock up in TV recordingwhich is titled "A Grande Conquista", comes with a different proposal, among other...