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Enjoy the new stage of Desenrola!

Enjoy the new stage of Desenrola!

Desenrola has entered a new phase that will help MEI, which has outstanding payments and is unable to get rid of the debt.

With the aim of promoting economic recovery and helping entrepreneurs facing financial difficulties, the federal government has expanded the Desenrola Brasil program to include individual microentrepreneurs and small businesses.

Originally launched in June 2023 with a focus on distressed individuals, the program has undergone a strategic expansion to reach this key sector of the Brazilian economy.

By expanding its reach, Desenrola Brasil not only seeks to alleviate the burden of debt accumulated by small business owners, but also to promote credit recovery, thus stimulating economic growth in a more inclusive way.

If you are a MEI and still have outstanding debts, see how to solve them with Desenrola. / Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatecnologia.com.br

MEI and small businesses can participate in Desenrola.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced the inclusion of micro-investments and small businesses in Decinerola Brasil, based on the need to serve a growing number of struggling entrepreneurs, which already number more than 6.3 million across the country.

Default is one of the biggest barriers to small business growth, and this new phase of the program is designed to provide significant relief to small business owners struggling to get their finances in order and keep their operations going.

Now, individual microentrepreneurs and small businesses with annual revenues of up to R$4.8 million, who have been overdue for more than 90 days, can join Desenrola Brasil.

The program offers several advantages, such as extended debt repayment deadlines and the possibility of obtaining significant discounts, depending on negotiations with participating financial institutions.

In addition to being a highly impactful economic measure, this inclusion reinforces the importance of small businesses in Brazil’s economic development.

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MEIs and small businesses are responsible for a large portion of the country’s employment and income generation, and programs like Desenrola Brasil are essential to ensure that this sector continues to grow in a sustainable manner.

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How does trading work for MEI?

The process of joining Desenrola Brasil for MEIs can be carried out directly through the official government portal, the MEIs website. unrollOr through the digital platforms of participating banks.

The first step is for small business owners to select the debts they want to settle and then examine the renegotiation proposals offered by financial institutions.

After this step, the entrepreneur can choose the repayment plan that suits his financial circumstances, with the possibility of paying off the debts in installments over a period of up to 60 months.

This flexibility in installments is one of the biggest attractions of Desenrola Brasil, as it allows small business owners to have more time and favorable terms to repay their debts.

Payment terms and negotiation deadlines may vary depending on the financial institution chosen, ensuring that business owners have the freedom to find the best option for their particular needs.

It is worth noting that the participating institutions provide special conditions for renegotiation, which ensures security and transparency throughout the process.

The deadline to join Desenrola Brasil for MEI institutions and small companies is December 31, 2024. However, it is recommended that interested parties start the process as soon as possible to benefit from the best conditions and solve their financial problems in advance.

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What institutions are participating in this phase?

The success of the Desenrola Brasil para Pequenos Negócios depends largely on the support of the country’s main financial institutions, which play a key role in providing special conditions for debt renegotiation.

Among the banks that have joined the program are some of the largest institutions in Brazil, such as Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Bradesco, Itaú, Santander, Sicredi, and Mercantil do Brasil.

Together, these institutions represent approximately 73% of the total credit portfolio allocated to small and micro enterprises, ensuring broad coverage and accessibility for entrepreneurs who wish to participate in the program.

The participation of these institutions is vital to the success of Desenrola Brasil, as they provide the formal channels through which renegotiations must be carried out, such as branches, online banking and mobile applications.

FEBRABAN (Brazilian Banking Federation) emphasizes the importance of conducting negotiations exclusively through the official channels of the participating financial institutions. In this way, business owners can avoid fraud and be sure to obtain the best conditions available.

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