Lone sheep rescued in England After two years of isolation At the foot of the cliffs at Ballindor, Scotland. According to information from BBC News, rescue work was done on Saturday 4th by a group of farmers. Now he is undergoing treatment at a farm.
The sheep’s plight hit British newspapers last month after a kayaker spotted it still stranded and photographed it, nearly two years after it was last seen in 2021. An online petition with more than 52,000 signatures has been set up to rescue her, but according to one charity, any attempt to rescue her would be “incredibly complicated”.
Despite the difficulty, a group of five farmers managed to make it up the steep slope. When Cammy Wilson, a sheep shearer from Ayrshire, saw media coverage of the sheep’s plight, she organized the rescue along with four others, farmers Graeme Parker, Als Couzens, Ally Williamson and James Parker.
The process was shared on Facebook. “We came in here with some heavy equipment and put these goats on an incredibly steep slope,” he says. Two of them were at the top operating a winch, and three others descended 250 meters to reach Fiona, who was given the sheep.
They found her in a cave, and to the team’s surprise, the sheep were in excellent health. “She’s in incredible shape. Her condition score is about 4.5 and she’s very fat – it’s a job to get her up that hill,” Cammy said. “She’s going to a special place that many of you know very well. You can see that in practice every day.
How she got lost
Cammy Wilson said in an interview BBC News The farmer, the owner of the herd she came from, had already tried to get her back, but in every situation, he or the crew would be in danger.
Different from what was said among internet users who were harsh with the farmers. “I hated seeing misinformation online, comments from strangers [sobre o assunto] They say ‘farmers don’t care’. People started showing up on their land, which is not fair,” Kami said.
The Scottish SPCA knew the sheep had been trapped at the bottom of the cliff for some time, but were unable to find a safe way to rescue it.
A spokesman for the charity said: “While the Scottish SPCA was on the mountainside this morning, it was reported that a group of experienced climbers were trying to climb down and rescue a trapped sheep.”
“The team successfully brought the sheep and our inspector inspected it. Fortunately, the sheep is in good physical condition and needs to be sheared. “She will now be taken to a special home in Scotland to rest and recover,” he wrote. Check out how she looks now:
Source: Redação Terra
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