digital version of Enemy High School National Exam 2021, which was scheduled to be held at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology in Sertão (IF Sertão), this Sunday (28), was canceled due to problems with the system. In all, 76 candidates, spread over seven labs, waited to take the unit tests until they were put on hold, around 4:30 p.m., and would have to take them in re-application.
The information was presented at a press conference on the balance of the military police of Pernambuco (PMPE) operation in Enem 2021. “The team informed us of a technical problem with Enem Digital by Inep (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira) that It is not about security.
Since 2020, Enem has been manufactured in both print and digital versions. The latter, whose answers were submitted on a computer, is programmed to be applied at 831 test sites in 99 municipalities in Brazil against 68,891 registered. Enem Digital alone has more than 17 thousand people in the organization.
On this Sunday, the second and final day of exams, candidates from all over Brazil will answer 45 questions in mathematics and 45 questions about natural sciences and technologies (chemistry, physics, biology) within five hours. The gates closed at 1:00 pm, and the examination closed at 6:30 pm.
In Pernambuco, Enem is held in 83 cities. In Recife, the two places with the most Enem candidates are in Boa Vista, in the Central District. The two most accommodating centers are the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) and Unibra.
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