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Emergency update: Google Chrome 94 has serious security flaws

Emergency update: Google Chrome 94 has serious security flaws

Google Chrome for Windows, Mac, and Linux receives version 94.0.4606.71. The new package fixes two important security flaws that have already been exploited by attackers.

The company’s recommendation is that users update the browser immediately. According to Google, the new release includes fixes for four security issues, two of which (CVE-2021-37976 and CVE-2021-37975) are up and running without a day.

A few days ago, it was Chrome 94 started popping up with controversial news, which included providing more signals to developers about user inactivity.

The first problem, which was reported on September 21 by ClĂ©ment Lecigne, was assigned a moderate severity score, and was described as “information leakage in the heart”.

The second vulnerability was rated by Google as a very serious flaw because it was a bug in the browser’s V8 engine. This breach allows the hacker to remotely execute code on users’ computers.

Google has not yet provided details on how these flaws will be used in the attacks, but warns that the new version of the browser has been released on the stable channel and should reach everyone “in the next few days/weeks”.

To check if the new version has reached you, open Chrome and click on the menu represented by three dots at the top left of the screen. Then go to “Help” and enter “About Google Chrome”. The browser should start checking, and if available, it will update automatically.

Have you updated Chrome 94 yet? Did you notice anything strange before the emergency update?