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Emergency Aid 2021: Caixa pays the first payment to those born in May;  See calendars  first aid

Emergency Aid 2021: Caixa pays the first payment to those born in May; See calendars first aid

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, this farm employs 2.49 million workers, for a total of R $ 516.62 million.

For workers who are part of Family allowance, Payments start April 16.

The first installment payments of benefits will run for all audiences through April 30th.

Thursday paid assistance will be added to Caixa’s digital social savings account, which could be so Initially used to pay bills and purchases with the virtual card. Withdrawals and transfers to those who receive credit will be released on Thursday May 14th (See calendars below).

Emergency Aid 2021: Understand the rules of the new round

Emergency Aid 2021: Understand the rules of the new round

See who receives this farm:

  • Cadastro Único workers registered via website and app, born in May, who received benefits in December
  • Cadastro Único workers registered through the site and the app, born between January and April, who received benefits in December, and whose registration was approved last Saturday (10)

Workers can view their eligibility status through the emergency assistance application, website auxilio.caixa.gov.br Or when https://consultaauxilio.cidadania.gov.br/

Payment calendars

See the payment schedules below.

Beneficiaries of the family bag

2021 Bolsa Família emergency aid – Photo: G1 Economy

Beneficiaries outside the family portfolio

Emergency Aid Calendar 2021 – Photo: G1 Economy

Videos: Latest news on emergency aid