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Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments;  See calendars  first aid

Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments; See calendars first aid

A new round of payment from Emergency aid 2021 For workers who are part of Family allowance It will take place on Monday (19). Will be credited The first installment is for beneficiaries whose number ends at 2.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, 10 million Bolsa Família beneficiaries will receive emergency aid in April – totaling R $ 2.98 billion. More than 50% of this audience (5.098 million people) are housewives, and they will each receive R $ 375. R $ 3.34 million will receive R $ 250 in installments, while R $ 1.56 million will receive R $ 150 in installments.

For workers who are not part of Family allowancePayments began on April 6. Those born from January to June have already received the first installment.

The first installment payments of the benefit to all masses continue until the end of April (See calendars below).

The assistance deposited on Monday will be paid in the same way as the Bolsa Família.

Emergency Aid 2021: Understand the rules of the new round

Emergency Aid 2021: Understand the rules of the new round

See who gets this Monday:

  • Bolsa Família workers, whose number ends in NIS 2, and who meet the program criteria

Workers can view the status of entitlement through the emergency assistance application, website auxilio.caixa.gov.br Or when https://consultaauxilio.cidadania.gov.br/

Payment calendars

See the payment schedules below.

Beneficiaries of the family bag

2021 Bolsa Família emergency aid – Photo: G1 Economy

Beneficiaries outside the family portfolio

Emergency Aid 2021 – a calendar for workers outside the Bolsa Família – Photo: Economy G1

The return of new emergency aid will affect the poverty rate

The return of new emergency aid will affect the poverty rate

Videos: Latest news on emergency aid