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Elenco do Santos has 25 “fixed” and 10 under evaluation by Fernando Dinez

Elenco do Santos has 25 “fixed” and 10 under evaluation by Fernando Dinez

cast Santos It takes shape: some arrive and establish themselves and others lose space under coach Fernando Dinez.

Currently, Peixe has 25 “fixed” players, 10 more in the pipeline, and an uncertain future. The idea of ​​the technical committee is to work with about 30 athletes and the board does not rule out more signings after Danilo Bosa, Moraes, Camacho, Vinicius Zanusillo and Marcos Guilherme.

In the goal, the carrier is John and the options are Joao Paulo and Vladimir. Although he is the third goalkeeper, Vladimir frequently goes to matches.

On the wings, Denise has Barra and Madison on the right and Felipe Jonathan and Moraes on the left. Sandro, who was previously in the main group, moved to the U-23 team.

The defense includes Luiz Filipe, Luan Pérez, Kiki and Danilo Boza as the four available for matches. With his frequent presence, Robson was released to the B team this week. Alex treats plantar fasciitis.

The midfield is the busiest sector. Alisson, Camacho, Vinicius Ballero, Jean Motta, Vinicius Zanusillo, Yvonne, Gabriel Pirrani and Carlos Sanchez are in coach Fernando Dinez’s plans. Of these, the one most at risk is Balieiro – Menino da Vila was off the list of those associated with the face Grêmio in Porto Alegre.

Kevin Malthus, Anderson Ciara, Lucas Lourenco and Raphael Longuen were analyzed. Malthus and Ciara were also released to Edinho in the 23rd minute. Lourenço was not called up and Longuine only had a contract until August.

In attack, we include Marinho, Angelo, Marcos Guilherme, Lucas Braga, Caio Jorge and Marcos Leonardo. Reinier, Bruno Marquez, Lucas Venotto and Raniel are undergoing some kind of test. Of the four, Raniel is the most in spirited and should be used this season. Others can leave.

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Santos loaned Alanzinho (Guarani), Guilherme Nunes (Nautico) and Rodrigao (Ponte Preta) recently, in addition to sending off Jonathan Copte. Clipper Reese is out. Jobson and Sandry in the medical department.

See 25 “Reforms” by Fernando Dinez

John, John Paul and Vladimir
Barra and Madson
Luis Felipe, Luanne Perez, Kaichi and Danilo Pozza
Philip Jonathan and Moraes
Alison, Camacho and Vinicius Ballero
Jan Motta, Vinicius Zanosello and Yvonne
Gabriel Berani and Carlos Sanchez
Marino and Angelo
Marcus Gilherme and Lucas Braga
Caio Jorge and Marcos Leonardo

See 10 under evaluation by the technical committee

Robson and Alex
Kevin Maltos, Lucas Lourenço, Anderson Ciara, Rafael Longuen
Reinier, Bruno Marquez, Lucas Vinotto and Raniel

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