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Elected Mediterranean Diet of the Year for the sixth time;  See listing – 01/06/2023

Elected Mediterranean Diet of the Year for the sixth time; See listing – 01/06/2023

If you follow Mediterranean diet, keep it up. It has been named the best diet of the year for the sixth time in a row, according to classification From US News & World Reportan American media conglomerate that has been making these kinds of lists for over 30 years.

After that, experts put a file Dash diet and the Flexible diet tied for second place.

What is each:

  • Mediterranean diet: These include fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, oilseeds, grains and grains. Milk and cheese are consumed in moderation, and wine is also present during meals. Red meat is rarely consumed. Combined, canned and ultra-processed foods are out of the diet.
  • Dash diet: Focuses on cases Hypertension. No wonder her primary focus is eating less sodium, as well as changing habits. The diet also includes vegetables, whole grains, grains, milk, cheese, vegetable oils, nuts, and lean meats on the menu.
  • Flexible diet: It is like “flexible vegetarianism”, which proposes to exclude the consumption of animal protein on some days of the week, without having to give up the consumption of meat, chicken, pork and dairy products forever.

What they have in common: All three diets reduce or eliminate processed foods altogether. They focus on fruits, vegetables, legumes like beans and lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

You can learn the lessons and approach of the Mediterranean style of food and apply it to any kitchen in any country. Gretel Schuyler, editor-in-chief of health at US News & World Report, told CNN.

What is the purpose of the Mediterranean diet?

  • Choosing this dietary pattern will benefit your health. However, eating large amounts of food (even those recommended in the diet) and spending too few calories can lead to extra pounds.
  • It is important to remember that the purpose of the diet is not to lose weight. If you want to lower the number on the scale, the best is to follow up with a health professional.
  • It is considered safe because it combines not only diversity in food but also a healthier lifestyle.
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How is the arrangement

A panel of experts analyzed 24 diets and ranked them based on several categories, including how easy they are to follow and how well they promote weight loss (both in the short and long term).

Some diets are incorporated into the existing categories, including five in the Mediterranean diet. Two new diets –ketogenic And Pritikin— to the list.

research results

  • The Mediterranean diet had the highest overall score at 4.6/5.0. The DASH and FLEXIBLE diets each had a score of 4.4.
  • The dash diet actually scored higher than the mediterranean diet in weight loss, but the mediterranean diet was higher in health.
  • The Mediterranean diet scored highly in the weight loss category. cholesterol. The Flexitarian diet was listed as the best diet for the family, while the Dash was listed as the best for bone and joint health.