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Elden Ring finally wins its Steam page with beautiful game images

Elden Ring finally wins its Steam page with beautiful game images

The game page collects trailer and screenshots and can now be added to Wishlist

There are still a few months left elden ring Released before Bandai Namco, but a game FromSoftware Previously win your page on steam. Although almost anything was brought, the “tent” elden ring The platform is a great place to gather information and game materials in one place. Yes sure! You can now add the game to your wishlist and select the “Follow” option to receive news in your feed. steam.

to page from elden ring It also contains text about the game, in which the game world is explained superficially. FromSoftware and the way to play. In the languages ​​pane, it is shown that the game will have Portuguese subtitles. Nothing has been added regarding system requirements to run elden ring. Check here the brief curation of arts already published in steam.

Source: clone / steam

What do we know so far about the gameplay elden ring Posted on .’s website Bandai Namco. One of the official information says that it will be possible to use the weather, environment and time of day to gain an advantage in battles. in an interview, Hidetake Miyazaki Digged into the use of stealthily in a elden ring: “You will be able to bend over and pass through enlarged spots and you will have less chance of being spotted, this can be used to your advantage to infiltrate enemies, but also to bypass certain areas.”

From the game trailer, it is possible to see a more graceful fight Evil spirits, albeit with fierce enemies. maybe, elden ring It will have a gameplay like BloodBorne or Sekiro. it’s the Barry He’ll be present, says .’s website Bandai Namco. elden ring It will be released on January 21, 2022 or 20 according to steam. The game will be available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, e Xbox Series X | S..

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– Continues after announcement –

Source: steam