The competition aims to encourage original artistic creativity, inspired by the theme “The Bicentennial of Independence: 200 years of science, technology and innovation in Brazil”.
High School Professional Iber Filipe Pérez Brito, of Escola Estadual Bom Jesus, who offers full-time education through the “Escola da Autoria” program in Três Lagoas, was awarded 6th place in the VI Drawing Competition for National Science and Technology Week Visual Identity Selection (SNCT- 2022).
The competition, promoted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, aims to encourage original artistic creativity, inspired by the theme “Birth anniversary of independence: 200 years of science, technology and innovation in Brazil”.
On June 1 of this year, the result of the above-mentioned competition was broadcast on the YouTube channel, in which a professional high school student – Iber Philippe Pires Brito – won sixth place. Mediated by Professor Carina Paula Rodriguez, student Eber put his drawing skills into practice, thereby revealing his artistic interest as a form of self-realization. “National competition, I was among the finalists, I’m happy!” , explained the student protagonist Eber Britto.
Adersino Junior, SED
Pictures: publicity
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