As a result, it became cheaper and sold well again. But the big difference came at the beginning of 2023,...
1 of 2 Caixa FGTS App - Christmas Draw - Photo: Fabiana Figueiredo/G1 Caixa FGTS app - Christmas draw -...
Finding your own home is one of the biggest dreams of many Brazilians. Now this goal may be closer for...
The couple who started selling chocolate door to door now earn R$300,000 a month In 2004, Rogerio and Priscilla Spinasi...
Even with an all-electric model in development, the Ferrari He seems willing to not be 100% electric. The brand's recently...
When your Nubank card Canceled, you may be wondering: "Now what?" This card, known for its ease of use and...
If you recently made purchases in the state of São Paulo and remembered to include your CPF number in the...
Tomorrow, March 31, is the last day to renegotiate debts under the government's Desenrola programme. Anyone who earns up to...
Lula's federal revenue minister, Robinson Barreirinhas, decided to call a citizen who owed taxes a "bandit."Lula's government represents a complete...
Hey Balance level It is a score that reflects an individual's financial health and his ability to meet financial obligations....